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Mathematics GCSE and IGCSE Formulae Sheet

Pythagoras' Theorem


Pythagoras' Theorem




Curved surface area of a cone

Volume of a cone = `1/3pir^2h`


Curved surface area of a cone = `pirl`



Surface area of a sphere

Volume of a sphere = `4/3pir^3`


Surface area of a sphere = `4pirr^2`



Trig Triangle

`"adj = hyp"xxcostheta`

`"opp = hy "xxsintheta`

`"opp = adj"xxtantheta`







In any triangle `ABC`

Triangle ABC with opposite side with a, b, c

Sine rule: `a/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinC`

Cosine rule: `a^2=b^2+c^2-2bc cosA`

Area of a triangle = `1/2 ab sinC`



A cross-section of a prism

Volume of a prism = area of cross section `xx`  length



A circle with the radius marked

Circumference of a circle = `2pir`


Area of a circle = `pir^2`



A cylinder with the radius and height marked

Curved surface area of a cylinder = `2pirh`


Volume of a cylinder = `pir^2h`



A trapezium with the height (h) and parallel sides (a,b) marked

Area of a trapezium = `1/2(a+b)h`



The Quadratic Equation

The solutions of `ax^2+bx+c=0`,

where `a ne 0`, are given by

`x=(-b pm sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)`



Arithmetic series

The sum of `n` terms, `S_n = n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`


Compound interest

Where `P` is the principal amount, `r` is the interest rate over a given period and `n` is number of times that the interest is compounded:
Total accrued `=P(1+r/100)^n`



Where `P(A)` is the probability of outcome `A` and `P(B)` is the probability of outcome `B`:
`P(A " or "B)=P(A)+P(B)- P(A" and "B)`
`P(A " and " B) = P (A " given " B) P(B)`